366 research outputs found

    Dal coronavirus al debito. Come l’emergenza sanitaria consolida le relazioni di potere tra Paesi europei

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    L'assistenza finanziara assicurata dall'Unione europea per la crisi economica conseguente l'emergenza sanitaria d coronavirus alimenta il debito sovrano e contribuisce così a consolidare i rapporti tra Stati europei come rapporti di subordinazione

    Il diritto del sistema terra. democrazia, capitalismo e protezione della natura nell’antropocene

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    Nature protection in the Anthropocene needs new legal approaches, which are at the core of a lively debate led by the advocates of earth system law, and global environmental constitutionalism. This essay critically discusses their proposals, suggesting that a point of reference for their evaluation is the defence of democracy to enhance social conflict and introduce an overcoming of neoliberalism, as well as the illusion of a green capitalism

    Ancora teorie sul totalitarismo!?

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    Introducción al derecho comparado

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    Traducción de Esteban Conde NaranjoLa mirada que el comparatista dirige al derecho parte de un punto de observación externo. Es la mirada de quien contempla el derecho en su estructura, pero también en su función; en su consideración como conjunto de preceptos, pero también de instituciones que los ponen en acción para distribuir imperativamente bienes y valores. Es la mirada de quien, más que el derecho, examina la experiencia jurídica, tanto en su dimensión empírica como en su esencia de práctica discursiva.Así es desde el nacimiento de la comparación como ciencia autónoma a inicios del siglo XX, cuando compareció en el escenario del saber jurídico para refundarlo sobre bases críticas: para dislocar las convenciones y pensamientos únicos, como el legicentrismo y el dogmatismo típico de los paradigmas científicos imperantes en la época. De ahí la identidad del comparatista como estudioso llamado a analizar el fenómeno del derecho inmerso en su dimensión espacio-temporal, valorando por tanto las interacciones entre el derecho y las otras ciencias sociales

    Scienza giuridica, politica ed economia nell'uniformazione del diritto privato

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    Even if the movement towards uniform law is slowing down, due to growing concerns about its possibility and opportunity, the convergence of national law is somehow evolving. A possible way of tackling the many problematic aspects of this topic, is to analyse the role of legal science, politics, and judges on this regard, i.e. to outline the contribution of scholars, legislators and courts to the formation of uniform law. The main argument of this contribution is that they are primarily committed to enhance a neoliberal way of conceiving the economic order, since unification of law along alternative values is incompatible with the current idea of interpreting the role of the State

    Reddito minimo legale. Supplire alle mancanze dei sindacati ma senza affossarli

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    L'introduzione di un reddito legale minimo è un fatto positivo a condizione che si attui il disegno costituzionale in materia di sindacat

    Il consenso di Bruxelles. Il Recovery plan sulle orme della Troika

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    Gli aiuti europei sono inseriti entro uno schema di insidiose condizionalità pensate per ottenere l’allineamento delle politiche nazionali all’ortodossia neoliberista

    Sovranismo democratico. Dal vincolo esterno alla giustizia sociale

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    State sovereignty is meant to enhance nationalism conceived as a way of fostering pre-modern values. This article deepens a different understanding of sovereignty, linked to democratic participation in the political as well as in the economic order. Such an understanding is developed as a reaction to the neoliberal essence of the European Union, unable to ensure social justice as a prerequisite of peace

    Europa, sovranità e ordine economico nel prisma delle teorie federaliste

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    European federalists traditionally assume that state sovereignty must be balanced by supranational powers in order not to pose a threat for peace between and within States. However, peace requires social justice, which in turn needs a state intervention in markets in order to match free competition with democracy. The European Union has developed as an institution devoted to depoliticizing markets through a neoliberal federalist approach, thus becoming an institution which has denied the reasons for its own existence

    Steel to concrete bond transferring in cfst columns connected to beams through the concrete

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    An important innovation in structural design in the last thirty years has been the use of steel-concrete composite columns, with particular diffusion of tubular profiles. These elements are known in the technical Literature as concrete filled steel tube (CFST) and the metal profiles that characterize the external jacket are usually circular, square or rectangular. A relevant issue that must be considered is the transfer of shear stresses by adhesion between steel and concrete in composite columns. The problem of adhesion, and thus its formulation, depends primarily on the type of technology used to connect beams to columns. In particular, two different models can be produced: the first case where the beams are connected only to the metal external jacket of the pillar (i.e. steel beams connected with bolted flanges to the column), and the second where beams and columns are connected also in the concrete matrix (i.e. the case of beams in steel-concrete technology, or traditional reinforced concrete beams). International Standards, regarding the problem of adhesion in jacketed columns, only referee to the first connection type, giving a constant value for adhesion coefficient along the transferring length, with no dependence to the size of the section, and indicate transferring lengths independently from the type of beam-to-column connection and the shape of the section. In the Paper are hence proposed expressions that quantify the fundamental values that govern the action transfer mechanism by adhesion in CFST, such as the transfer length, the perimeter of the active transfer and the shear stress distribution, as a function of the slenderness ratio and of the type of connection adopted. All this has been carried in order to produce a model for the estimation of bond stresses for the second of the two construction system mentioned above
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